TSS - Turtle Shell Shock

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Things that make me cringe.....

"It doesn't matter what the media says, it doesn't matter what the government says - the facts don't count. We are going to win this conflict." -- Rondo Thomas.

When I first read that post I was positive that it had to be another fascism, on learning it came from a fellow Canadian I have to hang my head and sigh. This level of intolerance by an elected official not only hurts me to see but scares me. At what point do we have to stop living in the dark ages of religious fear and come forth into the new reality of the world we live in where thanks to the scary thing called science we have learned that people are all equal. After reading this I can only feel sorrow for the people he represents since their chosen voice is that of a fearful disillusioned man.