TSS - Turtle Shell Shock

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Roles we (want to) play.


A Role Playing Game.

Something done by folks who as a majority, not all - just most of them, have issues or excessive desires to play and escape the word around them. They have to evade reality as we generaly accept it and live out a happy and product alternative life through a character they create. Granted all games are a means to escape the real world and to have fun. I hold nothing against people who escape by this means, i am one of them. I feel confident in making these statements after ten years of observing and exploring the networld and D&D style RPGs. I just wish that there was a way get over some of the ego personal traits people have and a way to help people address the social skills they may lack in the shared real world we live in.

I am trying to explain the point at when i stopped hiding and started living the real life. Though the more i look for an example of it the more i fear maybe i have not started yet.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Honor your Ancestors.

Okay, a very long time ago my ancestors crawled out of the slime and into the putrid sea, from there they decided they wanted to crawl onto sandy beaches of the land and bake under the sun. After discovering sunburn was not as fun a thing as they had hoped they moved deeper into the forest and climbed their first tree. As time passed they learned you could use the branches from the trees as clubs and then use these clubs to beat others up. This eventually lead to them discovering that after you beat some one else up with your club you could burn their club and cook them using this great thing called fire. Over time they evolved and grew from being a member of the food chain to inventing the food pyramid. They where no longer bait for giant lizards or whatever creature decided to chase them, they had fire they could burn their meat over and open flame! Today thanks to them we are at the top of the food chain not just a lowly member item of it!

So then why does some yuppie wanna bee half hippy get the nerve to tell me I should be a vegetarian. That I should eat what the herd animals that I butcher eat. Our ancestors fought long and hard to climb out of the slime and dominate this world. I refuse to dishonor my ancestral heritage by shaming them through actions that are suitable only to a mass bread and slaughtered beast of burden! I stand before my alter of fire and charcoal this long weekend and I will offer up to the blue sky the smoking remains of what will be a wonderful BBQ!